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Date Released : 14 February 2007
Quality : DVDRip
Starring : Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes
Genre : Action | Fantasy | Horror | Thriller

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Sinopsis (Indonesian)

Ghost Rider bercerita tentang Johnny Blaze (Nicholas Cage), stuntman sepeda motor akrobatik. Johnny yang mengetahui kalau ayahnya Barton Blaze [Brett Cullen] ternyata sekarat akibat kanker ganas, membuat Johnny jadi bimbang. Di tengah kebimbangannya, muncullah Mephistopheles [Peter Fonda], penguasa kegelapan yang tengah berburu orang-orang untuk dijadikan Ghost Rider. Mephistopheles menawarkan sebuah kesepakatan kepada Johnny, bahwa ia bisa membuat ayahnya sembuh, asal Johnny bersedia menjadi pengikutnya. Akhirnya Jhoni menyetujui perjanjian tersebut dan menjual jiwanya kepada Mephistopheles demi menyelamatkan ayahnya.

Keesokan harinya Ayah Jhoni memang benar-benar sembuh dan ia bisa kembali beraksi lagi di atas motornya, sampai sebuah kecelakaan yang merenggut nyawa sang ayah. Peristiwa kecelakaan terjadi sebagai akibat ulah . Johnny menyalahkan kejadian tersebut akibat ulah Mephistopheles. Jhoni lantas menaruh rasa dendam dan ingin membalas perbuatan Mephistopheles suatu hari nanti.
Sinopsis (English)

Ghost Rider tells the story of Johnny Blaze (Nicholas Cage), a motorcycle stuntman stunts. Johnny knows that his father Barton Blaze [Brett Cullen] was dying of terminal cancer, made ​​Johnny so indecisive. In the midst of vacillation, comes Mephistopheles [Peter Fonda], ruler of darkness who were hunting for people to be Ghost Rider. Mephistopheles offers Johnny a deal to, that he could make his father well, as long as Johnny was willing to be followers. Jhoni finally approve the agreement and sell his soul to Mephistopheles to save his father.

The next day Father Jhoni was completely healed and he could be back in action again on his bike, until an accident that claimed the lives of his father. The accident occurred as a result of a tantrum. Johnny blamed the incident-induced Mephistopheles. Jhoni then put a sense of grudge and wants to repay Mephistopheles someday.

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