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Dated Released : 6 August 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p [800MB-mkv]|idws
Starring : Rick Malambri, Adam G. Sevani, Sharni Vinson
Genre : Drama | Music | Romance

Free Download Files :  part1 | part2 | part3 | part4 | part5 | part6 | part7 | part8 | part9
Download Subtitle Indonesian | English

Sinopsis (Indonesian)

Menipu diri sendiri memang tak pernah mudah. Moose (Adam G. Sevani) tahu kalau ia tak mungkin mengingkari siapa dirinya. Ia terlahir sebagai penari meski orang tuanya selalu menentang keinginan Moose menjadi penari. Meski Moose telah berusaha menghindar dari arena tari namun sepertinya takdir selalu membawanya ke arah yang sama. Bahkan saat ia sudah berusaha untuk kuliah dengan baik.

Secara tak sengaja Moose bertemu Luke (Rick Malambri) yang ternyata adalah pemimpin kelompok tari yang menamakan diri mereka House of Pirates. Dari sebuah atraksi kecil melawan House of Samurai, Luke tertarik pada bakat Moose yang terpendam. Ia lantas mengajak Moose bergabung dengan House of Pirates, ajakan yang tak bisa ditolak oleh Moose.

Sejak bergabung House of Pirates, Moose jadi semakin kesulitan membagi waktu antara menari dan kuliahnya. Di saat yang sama, Luke juga mengalami masalah. Pertemuannya dengan Natalie (Sharni Vinson) ternyata malah mendatangkan masalah baru. Belum lagi House of Samurai yang berambisi menggulung House of Pirates agar tim tari ini tak bisa ikut berlaga di kontes tari World Jam.

Di titik kritis ini House of Pirates yang sudah siap terjun ke World Jam malah harus terpecah belah karena berbagai masalah yang mereka hadapi. Kini semua tergantung Moose. Bisa saja ia kembali kuliah dan melupakan apa yang ia alami bersama para Pirates atau ia malah memilih menyatukan lagi para Pirates untuk berlaga di World Jam.


Sinopsis (English)

Self-deception is never easy. Moose (Adam G. Sevani) to know if he can not deny who he is. He was born a dancer despite his parents always oppose the Moose wants to be a dancer. Although Moose was trying to escape from the arena of dance but destiny seems to always take the same direction. Even when he was trying to lecture well.

Moose accidentally met Luke (Rick Malambri) who turns out to be the leader of a dance group called themselves the House of Pirates. From a small attraction against the House of Samurai, Luke Moose interested in a hidden talent. He then invited Moose joined the House of Pirates, an invitation that can not be rejected by the Moose.

Since joining the House of Pirates, Moose became increasingly difficult to share time between the dance and lectures. At the same time, Luke also having problems. His meeting with Natalie (Sharni Vinson) turned out to bring in new problems. Not to mention the House of Samurai the ambitious roll of the House of Pirates for this dance team did not qualify to compete in dance contests World Clock.

At this critical point of the House of Pirates who are ready to plunge into World Clock instead must be divided because of various problems they face. Now it all depends on Moose. He could have returned to college and forget what he experienced with the Pirates or she instead chose to unite again the Pirates to compete in the World Clock.

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