Date Released : 11 August 2006
Quality : DVDRip
Starring : Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan
Genre : Crime | Drama | Music | Romance
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Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Bercerita tentang Tyler Gage (Channing Tatum), pemuda pemberontak, keras kepala, liar, yang lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya di jalanan Baltimore. Tyler lebih mengedepankan ego dan idealisme.
Suatu hari Tyler bersama dua sahabatnya Mac (Damaine Radcliff) dan Skinny (De'Shawn Washington) membuat onar di sebuah pesta yang digelar Maryland School of Arts, sekolah seni bergengsi yang mayoritas muridnya berasal dari anak-anak orang kaya.
Buntut dari keonaran tersebut membuat Tyler wajib menjalani hukuman selama 200 jam di Maryland School of Arts, berupa hukuman membersihkan jendela, menyapu, mengepel dan melakukan aktivitas bersih-bersih lainnya. Tyler merasa enjoy dengan hukuman yang harus ditebusnya, mengingat hukuman ini lebih ringan dibanding hukuman yang pernah dialami sebelumnya.
Suatu hari ketika melakukan bersih-bersih, Tyler bertemu Nora (Jenna Dewan), murid senior Maryland School, di kelas dansa. Nora sedang dalam kebingungan dalam mempersiapkan ujian choreographed recital untuk mendapat beasiswa. Nora membutuhkan seorang partner yang benar-benar bisa mendampinginya tampil mengesankan di hadapan penguji, karena partnernya Andrew (Tim Lacatena) terpaksa harus mengundurkan diri karena cedera pergelangan kaki.
Tyler pun menawarkan kepada Nora untuk menjadi patner tarinya. Akhirnya Nora terpaksa menerima tawaran Tyler tersebut mengingat waktu audisi sudah begitu mendesak. Tyler pun harus bertahan menerima ejekan temen-temen dan kekasih Nora.
Apakah Tyler dan Nora berhasil ???
Sinopsis (English)
Tells the story of Tyler Gage (Channing Tatum), the young rebel, stubborn, wild, who spent more time on the streets of Baltimore. Tyler put forward the ego and idealism.
One day Tyler with two of his best friend Mac (Damaine Radcliff) and Skinny (De'Shawn Washington) making a scene at a party that was held Maryland School of Arts, prestigious art school that the majority of pupils come from the children of the rich.
The aftermath of the scandal is making Tyler shall undergo the punishment of 200 hours at the Maryland School of the Arts, in the form of punishment cleaning windows, sweeping, mopping and perform other cleanup activities. Tyler felt the punishment should enjoy ditebusnya, given a lighter punishment than the punishment it has ever experienced before.
One day while doing clean up, Tyler meets Nora (Jenna Dewan), a senior disciple of Maryland School, in dance class. Nora was in confusion in preparing for the exam to get a scholarship recital choreographed. Nora needs a partner who could really impressed with him before the examiner, because his partner Andrew (Tim Lacatena) was forced to resign because of an ankle injury.
Nora Tyler also offers to become his dance partner. Eventually Nora Tyler was forced to accept the offer given the time auditions were so urgent. Tyler had to endure to receive ridicule my friends and girlfriend Nora.
Are Tyler and Nora succeed?
One day Tyler with two of his best friend Mac (Damaine Radcliff) and Skinny (De'Shawn Washington) making a scene at a party that was held Maryland School of Arts, prestigious art school that the majority of pupils come from the children of the rich.
The aftermath of the scandal is making Tyler shall undergo the punishment of 200 hours at the Maryland School of the Arts, in the form of punishment cleaning windows, sweeping, mopping and perform other cleanup activities. Tyler felt the punishment should enjoy ditebusnya, given a lighter punishment than the punishment it has ever experienced before.
One day while doing clean up, Tyler meets Nora (Jenna Dewan), a senior disciple of Maryland School, in dance class. Nora was in confusion in preparing for the exam to get a scholarship recital choreographed. Nora needs a partner who could really impressed with him before the examiner, because his partner Andrew (Tim Lacatena) was forced to resign because of an ankle injury.
Nora Tyler also offers to become his dance partner. Eventually Nora Tyler was forced to accept the offer given the time auditions were so urgent. Tyler had to endure to receive ridicule my friends and girlfriend Nora.
Are Tyler and Nora succeed?
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