Dated Released : 10 December 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p B.R.mysilu
Starring : Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Paul Bettany
Genre : Drama | Thriller
Free Download Files: Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5
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Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Bertemu seorang wanita cantik di dalam kereta api bisa jadi adalah awal sebuah liburan romantis di Italia. Tapi jangan terburu yakin dulu karena bisa jadi juga ini adalah awal dari serentetan malapetaka yang bakal terjadi. Setidaknya, yang terakhir inilah yang dialami oleh Frank Taylor (Johnny Depp) saat ia berangkat berlibur ke Italia.
Saat dalam kereta, dalam perjalanan, Frank bertemu seorang wanita cantik bernama Elise Ward (Angelina Jolie). Dari percakapan basa-basi, keduanya mulai semakin akrab. Buat Frank, ini adalah kesempatan buat melupakan patah hati yang baru saja ia alami, apalagi Elise sepertinya juga membuka peluang untuk sebuah hubungan romantis. Tanpa sepengetahuan Frank, Elise ternyata punya agenda sendiri.
Elise adalah kekasih seorang penjahat besar yang jadi buronan di empat belas negara. Tak ada orang yang tahu siapa penjahat yang dikenal dengan nama Alexander Pearce ini. Tak seorang pun bisa mengenali wajahnya. Sayangnya, polisi sudah menyiapkan jebakan. Polisi tahu kalau Alexander tak akan pernah lama jauh dari Elise dan karena itu Alexander meminta Elise mendekati seorang pria agar polisi mengira kalau pria itu adalah Alexander.
Sinopsis (English)
Met a beautiful woman on the train could be the beginning of a romantic vacation in Italy. But do not be hasty sure first because it could be also this is the beginning of a string of misfortune that might happen. At least, the latter experienced by Frank Taylor (Johnny Depp) as he went on vacation to Italy.
When the train, on the way, Frank meets a beautiful woman named Elise Ward (Angelina Jolie). From conversations preamble, both started getting intimate. Create Frank, this is an opportunity to forget a broken heart for he had just experienced, especially Elise seems to also open the opportunity for a romantic relationship. Unbeknownst to Frank, Elise turned out to have their own agendas.
Elise is the lover of a great villain who became a fugitive in fourteen countries. Nobody knows who the criminals are known by the name of Alexander Pearce is. No one could recognize his face. Unfortunately, the police have set up a trap. The police knew that Alexander would never long away from the Elise and therefore Elise Alexander asked for the police approached a man think if he was Alexander.
When the train, on the way, Frank meets a beautiful woman named Elise Ward (Angelina Jolie). From conversations preamble, both started getting intimate. Create Frank, this is an opportunity to forget a broken heart for he had just experienced, especially Elise seems to also open the opportunity for a romantic relationship. Unbeknownst to Frank, Elise turned out to have their own agendas.
Elise is the lover of a great villain who became a fugitive in fourteen countries. Nobody knows who the criminals are known by the name of Alexander Pearce is. No one could recognize his face. Unfortunately, the police have set up a trap. The police knew that Alexander would never long away from the Elise and therefore Elise Alexander asked for the police approached a man think if he was Alexander.
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