Dated Released : 28 January 2011
Quality : R5
Starring : Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Mini Anden
Genre : Action | Drama | Thriller
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Sinopis (Indonesian)
Orang mengenal Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) sebagai The Mechanic. Bukan karena apa tapi karena pria yang satu ini memang benar-benar profesional. Ia bekerja layaknya sebuah mesin yang tak kenal kata salah. Karena itu pula Arthur selalu menjadi yang terbaik di bidangnya. Tapi itu semua berubah saat sebuah kejadian tragis menimpa Arthur.
Arthur adalah seorang pembunuh bayaran yang sangat berbakat. Membunuh bukan sekedar tugas buat Arthur tapi sudah seperti gaya hidup. Semua target berhasil dihabisi Arthur dan satu yang selalu dipegang Arthur adalah bahwa ia tak pernah melibatkan emosi, apa pun yang terjadi. Saat Harry (Donald Sutherland), guru sekaligus partner Arthur, terbunuh, hanya satu yang ada di kepala Arthur. Ia harus mencari siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas kematian Harry.
Di saat yang sama, Steve (Ben Foster), putra Harry, tiba-tiba mendatangi Arthur dengan dendam yang sama. Steve memohon agar ia dilibatkan dan untuk pertama kalinya, Arthur bekerja dengan cara yang tak lazim. Ia sudah melibatkan emosi dan ia mulai mengajak orang yang tak berpengalaman dalam perburuan kali ini.
Sinopsis (English)
People familiar with Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) as The Mechanic. Not because of anything but because this one guy was really professional. It works like a machine that does not know the word wrong. Because it also Arthur always be the best in its field. But that all changed when a tragic incident happened to Arthur.
Arthur is an assassin who is very talented. Killing is not just a job for Arthur but it was like a lifestyle. All the targets successfully finished Arthur and one who always held Arthur is that he never involve emotion, no matter what happens. When Harry (Donald Sutherland), teachers and partner Arthur, was killed, only one in the head of Arthur. He must find who is responsible for the death of Harry.
At the same time, Steve (Ben Foster), son Harry, suddenly came to Arthur with the same vengeance. Steve requested that he be involved and for the first time, Arthur works in a way unusual. He was involved emotionally and he began to invite people who have not experienced in hunting this time.
Arthur is an assassin who is very talented. Killing is not just a job for Arthur but it was like a lifestyle. All the targets successfully finished Arthur and one who always held Arthur is that he never involve emotion, no matter what happens. When Harry (Donald Sutherland), teachers and partner Arthur, was killed, only one in the head of Arthur. He must find who is responsible for the death of Harry.
At the same time, Steve (Ben Foster), son Harry, suddenly came to Arthur with the same vengeance. Steve requested that he be involved and for the first time, Arthur works in a way unusual. He was involved emotionally and he began to invite people who have not experienced in hunting this time.
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