Date Released : 30 April 2007
Quality : DVDRip
Starring : Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst
Genre : Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller
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Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Suatu malam saat Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) sedang bersantai di "sarang laba-laba" bersama Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst), ada sebuah meteor jatuh ke bumi dengan membawa makhluk asing yang bersifat parasit.
Makhluk tak berbentuk berwarna hitam tersebut dapat merasuki manusia sehingga manusia yang telah dirasuki tersebut dapat berubah menjadi agresif. Suatu ketika saat Peter tertidur di kamarnya, maklhuk tersebut merasuki tubuh Peter. Saat Spiderman dirasuki makhluk ini, kostumnya yang semula berwarna merah biru menjadi berwarna hitam. Seain itu Spiderman berubah menjadi agresif dan percaya diri yang cenderung jahat dalam menghadapi segala persoalan yang dihadapi, termasuk saat menghadapi perselisihannya dengan Harry Osborn (James Franco).
Dalam sequel ini Spiderman harus berhadapan dengan Erick Brock (Topher Grace) fotografer "freelance" yang dirasuki mahkluk asing tersebut saat berpindah dari tubuh Spiderman. Selain itu Spiderman juga harus menghadapi Sand Man (Manusia Pasir) Flint Marko (Thomas Haden Church), yang dapat berubah bentuk menjadi pasir raksasa, seperti Hulk dari pasir, tapi kuat dan tidak dapat dihancurkan lantaran dapat kembali membentuk dirinya.
Diakhir cerita, Harry tewas saat menyelamatkan Spiderman dari tusukan Erick Brock.
Sinopsis (English)
One night when Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is relaxing in the "spider web" with Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst), there is a meteor fallen to earth with a parasitic alien.
Black shapeless creature that can possess humans so that humans who have possessed it can turn into aggressive. Once when Peter fell asleep in his room, maklhuk the possession of Peter. While Spiderman was possessed by this creature, which was originally red costume blue to black. Spiderman Seain it turned into an aggressive and confident that tends to evil in the face of all the problems they faced, including the face of differences with Harry Osborn (James Franco).
In this sequel Spiderman have to deal with Eric Brock (Topher Grace) photographer "freelance", which was possessed by the alien body as it passes from Spiderman. In addition, Spiderman also must face the Sand Man (Man of Sand), Flint Marko (Thomas Haden Church), which can be transformed into a giant sand, like the Hulk from the sand, but strong and can not be destroyed due to re-establish itself.
At the end of the story, Harry was killed during rescue Spiderman from stab Eric Brock.
Black shapeless creature that can possess humans so that humans who have possessed it can turn into aggressive. Once when Peter fell asleep in his room, maklhuk the possession of Peter. While Spiderman was possessed by this creature, which was originally red costume blue to black. Spiderman Seain it turned into an aggressive and confident that tends to evil in the face of all the problems they faced, including the face of differences with Harry Osborn (James Franco).
In this sequel Spiderman have to deal with Eric Brock (Topher Grace) photographer "freelance", which was possessed by the alien body as it passes from Spiderman. In addition, Spiderman also must face the Sand Man (Man of Sand), Flint Marko (Thomas Haden Church), which can be transformed into a giant sand, like the Hulk from the sand, but strong and can not be destroyed due to re-establish itself.
At the end of the story, Harry was killed during rescue Spiderman from stab Eric Brock.
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