Dated Released : 30 July 2007
Quality : DVDRip Ac3-FxM
Starring : Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Michael Chow
Genre : Action | Comedy | Crime | Thriller
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Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Cerita berawal ketika Inspektur Lee sedang mengawal Duta Besar China, Han, ke gedung Pengadilan Dunia. Han rencananya hendak membuka tabir sindikat Triad sedunia yang memang sudah meresahkan hampir seluruh negara di dunia. Ketika Han sedang berpidato mengenai Shy Shen, dia ditembak oleh seorang sniper. Lee lalu berusaha mengejar sniper yang kabur ini, dan Carter yang kebetulan melihat aksi kejar-kejaran itu pun akhirnya ikut-ikutan mengejar.
Sniper yang kemudian berhasil dikejar oleh Lee ternyata tidak lain adalah saudara angkatnya sendiri, Kenji. Lee dan Kenji adalah saudara sepenampungan ketika masih di panti asuhan dulu. Kebodohan Carter dan ketidak tegaan Lee untuk menembak saudaranya sendiri pun berhasil dimanfaatkan oleh Kenji, dia berhasil kabur.
Tembakan Kenji ternyata tidak berhasil membunuh Han, artinya Han dan keluarganya masih menjadi incaran para Triad. Putri Han, Soo Yung, yang datang ke LA untuk menjenguk sang ayah pun menjadi ikut menjadi incaran. Lee dan Carter pun harus melindunginya sambil mengumpulkan informasi mengenai siapa otak dibalik usaha pembunuhan ini. Sebuah petunjuk pun mengharuskan mereka untuk menjelajahi Perancis.
Sinopsis (English)
The story begins when Inspector Lee is escorting Chinese Ambassador Han, the World Court building. Han plans to open the veil of the world Triad syndicate which has been troubling almost all countries in the world. When Han was speaking about the Shy Shen, he was shot by a sniper. Lee then tried to pursue this vague sniper, and Carter the chance to see action romp that was eventually went along with pursuing.
Sniper who then successfully pursued by Lee was none other than his own foster brother, Kenji. Lee and Kenji is sepenampungan brothers in an orphanage when he was first. Carter's stupidity and lack tegaan Lee to shoot his own brother was successfully exploited by Kenji, he managed to escape.
Kenji shots did not managed to kill Han, which means that Han and his family are still the target of the Triad. Han's daughter, Soo Yung, who came to LA to see her father had become involved to be coveted. Lee and Carter must protect it while collecting information on who the masterminds behind this assassination attempt. A guide also requires them to explore France.
Sniper who then successfully pursued by Lee was none other than his own foster brother, Kenji. Lee and Kenji is sepenampungan brothers in an orphanage when he was first. Carter's stupidity and lack tegaan Lee to shoot his own brother was successfully exploited by Kenji, he managed to escape.
Kenji shots did not managed to kill Han, which means that Han and his family are still the target of the Triad. Han's daughter, Soo Yung, who came to LA to see her father had become involved to be coveted. Lee and Carter must protect it while collecting information on who the masterminds behind this assassination attempt. A guide also requires them to explore France.
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