Dated Released : 12 November 2010
Quality : R5.DVDR+MIC audio
Starring : Denzel Washington, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson
Genre : Action | Drama | Thriller
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Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Takdir memang kadang tak bisa dimengerti. Takdir pula yang mempertemukan Frank Barnes (Denzel Washington) dan Will Gordon (Chris Pine) dalam sebuah petualangan panjang menyelamatkan banyak nyawa dari ancaman sebuah kereta maut. Tanpa mereka berdua, kereta api yang mengangkut bahan kimia ini bakal mengancam seluruh warga kota.
Frank adalah mekanik senior di perusahaan kereta api sementara Will adalah seorang kondektur muda yang juga bertugas di tempat Frank. Suatu ketika, saat Frank dan Will bertugas bersama, tersiar kabar kalau ada kereta yang tak bisa dikendalikan dan mengancam seluruh isi kota. Kereta ini tak bisa dihentikan karena tak ada awak kereta yang menjalankan gerbong maut ini.
Berbekal pengalamannya selama bertugas, Frank mengajak Will untuk berusaha menghadang kereta maut yang berisi bahan kimia berbahaya ini sebelum terguling dan menjadi ancaman buat semua orang. Ini bukan usaha mudah karena tak ada orang yang setuju pada rencana Frank yang dianggap ingin menjadi pahlawan. Hanya Will yang bersedia ikut dalam misi bunuh diri ini meskipun Will tak pernah akrab dengan Frank.
Sinopsis (English)
Fate is sometimes incomprehensible. Fate also brings Frank Barnes (Denzel Washington) and Will Gordon (Chris Pine) in a long adventure to save many lives from the threat of a death train. Without them both, trains carrying chemicals is going to threaten all citizens of the city.
Frank is a senior mechanic on the railroad while he was a young conductor who also served in place of Frank. Once, when Frank and Will served together, word got out that there is a train that can not be controlled and threatened the entire city. This train can not be stopped because there is no train that runs the crew compartment of this death.
Armed with his experience during the job, Frank invites Will to try to block the death trains that contain these harmful chemicals before it overturned and become a threat for everyone. This is not an easy business because no one agrees on Frank's plan is considered to be a hero. Will only willing to participate in suicide missions, although he was never familiar with Frank.
Frank is a senior mechanic on the railroad while he was a young conductor who also served in place of Frank. Once, when Frank and Will served together, word got out that there is a train that can not be controlled and threatened the entire city. This train can not be stopped because there is no train that runs the crew compartment of this death.
Armed with his experience during the job, Frank invites Will to try to block the death trains that contain these harmful chemicals before it overturned and become a threat for everyone. This is not an easy business because no one agrees on Frank's plan is considered to be a hero. Will only willing to participate in suicide missions, although he was never familiar with Frank.
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