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Date Released : 9 July 1982
Quality : Good
Starring : Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner
Genre : Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller

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Sinopsis (Indonesian)

Hampir seumur hidupnya, Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) tak pernah bertemu ayahnya. Dua puluh lima tahun yang lalu, Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), ayah Sam tiba-tiba menghilang tanpa bekas. Terobsesi menemukan ayahnya yang hilang, Sam pun menghabiskan seumur hidupnya mempelajari komputer dan teknologi dunia virtual.

Sam hanya punya petunjuk bahwa ayahnya menghilang secara misterius setelah masuk ke dalam dunia virtual namun Sam tak tahu persis di mana ayahnya berada. Dengan berbekal petunjuk itu Sam pun mulai menjelajah dunia virtual untuk membebaskan ayahnya yang terjebak di sana selama seperempat abad.

Tanpa sepengetahuan Sam, Kevin ternyata terjebak di dunia virtual di mana ia harus bertarung layaknya para gladiator di jaman Romawi kuno. Seiring berjalannya waktu, Kevin pun makin tua dan tak bisa selamanya bertahan di dunia yang sangat keras ini. Bila Sam terlambat datang menyelamatkan sang ayah, bisa jadi ayah-anak ini tak akan lagi bisa bertemu selamanya.


Sinopsis (English)

Almost all his life, Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) had never met his father. Twenty-five years ago, Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), Sam's father suddenly disappears without a trace. Obsessed with finding the lost father, Sam had spent a lifetime studying the virtual world of computers and technology.

Sam only had a clue that his father disappeared under mysterious circumstances after the entry into the virtual world, but Sam did not know exactly where his father was. Armed with clues that Sam began to roam the virtual world to free his father who stuck around for a quarter century.

Unbeknownst to Sam, Kevin was trapped in a virtual world where he must fight like the gladiators in ancient Rome. Over time, Kevin was getting old and can not forever survive in this world that is very hard. When Sam came too late to save his father, could be the father of these children will no longer be able to see forever.

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