Date Released : 10 February 2010
Quality : DVDRip.XviD
Starring : Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra D
Genre : Adventure | Fantasy
Quality : DVDRip.XviD
Starring : Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra D
Genre : Adventure | Fantasy
Download Subtitle Indonesian | English
Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman) awalnya tak tahu kalau dia adalah keturunan dewa Yunani kuno. Ia baru tahu setelah para dewa dan monster dari mitologi Yunani itu tiba-tiba saja keluar dari buku milik Percy dan mewujudkan diri. Celakanya, kabar ini bukan kabar baik buat Percy karena petir milik dewa Zeus (Sean Bean) hilang dan Percy adalah tertuduh utama.
Hilangnya petir Zeus ini membuat geger seluruh Olympia dan para dewa di langit terancam saling berperang yang akibatnya jelas adalah hancurnya alam semesta. Tidak ada yang bisa mencegah peperangan ini kecuali jika Percy berhasil menemukan petir Zeus dan membuktikan bahwa dirinya bukanlah pencuri seperti yang dituduhkan.
Sebelum solusi ditemukan, Percy harus menghadapi masalah baru. Ibu Percy, Sally Jackson (Catherine Keener) tiba-tiba menghilang. Sebagai keturunan dewa Poseidon (Kevin McKidd), Percy jelas memiliki kekuatan supranatural namun untuk menjalankan misi berat ini, jelas Percy tak akan mampu. Untungnya ada Annabeth Chase (Alexandra Daddario) dan Grover Underwood (Brandon T. Jackson) yang juga adalah keturunan para dewa yang siap membantu Percy.
Sinopsis (English)
Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman) initially did not know he was a descendant of the ancient Greek gods. He only learned after the gods and monsters of Greek mythology that had suddenly come out of Percy's book and realize themselves. Unfortunately, this news is not good news for Percy because of Zeus's lightning (Sean Bean) has been lost and Percy is the main accused.
The loss of this Zeus lightning create sensation all over Olympia and the gods in the sky threatened war with each other which obviously result was the destruction of the universe. No one can prevent this war unless Percy managed to find the lightning of Zeus and prove that he was not as alleged thief.
Before a solution is found, Percy must face a new problem. Percy's mother, Sally Jackson (Catherine Keener) suddenly disappeared. As a descendant of the god Poseidon (Kevin McKidd), Percy clearly has supernatural powers but to carry this heavy mission, Percy certainly will not be able. Fortunately there is Annabeth Chase (Alexandra Daddario) and Grover Underwood (Brandon T. Jackson), who also is a descendant of the gods who are ready to help Percy.
The loss of this Zeus lightning create sensation all over Olympia and the gods in the sky threatened war with each other which obviously result was the destruction of the universe. No one can prevent this war unless Percy managed to find the lightning of Zeus and prove that he was not as alleged thief.
Before a solution is found, Percy must face a new problem. Percy's mother, Sally Jackson (Catherine Keener) suddenly disappeared. As a descendant of the god Poseidon (Kevin McKidd), Percy clearly has supernatural powers but to carry this heavy mission, Percy certainly will not be able. Fortunately there is Annabeth Chase (Alexandra Daddario) and Grover Underwood (Brandon T. Jackson), who also is a descendant of the gods who are ready to help Percy.
1 komentar:
wah keren banget filmnya. terasa nyata
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