Dated Released : 8 September 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Starring : Doni Alamsyah, Lukman Sardi, Darius Sinathrya
Genre : War | Drama
Free Download Files : part1 | part2 | part3 | part4 | part5 | part6
Sinopsis (Indonesia)
Film ini merupakan sekuel film sebelumnya yang sukses di pasaran yaitu Merah Putih. Film sebelumnya menceritakan perjuangan 4 perwira muda yang baru saja lulus dari akademi militer yaitu Amir, Tomas, Marius dan Dayan pada tahun 1947
Pada saat itu Belanda masih terus melakukan serangan militer ke wilayah Indonesia karena Belanda belum rela melepaskan Indonesia sebagai jajahannya walaupun Indonesia sudah memproklamirkan kemerdekaannya pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945. Nasib sial menimpa Amir dan kawan-kawan karena ketika merayakan kelulusan bersama teman-teman seangkatannya, datang serangan tentara Belanda secara mendadak. Seluruh perwira muda yang baru saja dilantik tewas dan hanya tersisa Amir, Tomas, Marius dan Dayan.
Walaupun hanya berempat, Amir dan kawan-kawan tetap bertekad melanjutkan perjuangan melawan penjajah Belanda. Akhirnya perjuangan Amir dan kawan-kawan membuahkan hasil, dengan dibantu penduduk setempat, Amir dan kawan-kawan berhasil menyergap konvoi pasukan Belanda yang mengangkut bahan bakar sekaligus menangkap pemimpinnya yaitu Mayor Van Gaartner.
Sinopsis (English)
This film is a sequel to the previous film success in the market that is Red and White. previous film tells the struggle of four young officers who recently graduated from military academy that is Amir, Tomas, Marius and Dayan in 1947
At that time the Dutch still continue to conduct military strikes into the territory of Indonesia because the Netherlands has not been willing to let go of Indonesia as a colony even though Indonesia had proclaimed its independence on August 17, 1945. Misfortune befall Amir and his friends because when celebrating graduation with friends contemporaries, came to a sudden attack the Dutch soldiers. All the young officers who had just died and the only remaining elected Amir, Tomas, Marius and Dayan.
Although only four of us, Amir and his colleagues remain determined to continue the struggle against the Dutch colonialists. Finally the fight Amir and his friends to fruition, with the help of local residents, Amir and his friends managed to ambush a convoy of Dutch troops are carrying fuel and capture its leader Major Van Gaartner.
At that time the Dutch still continue to conduct military strikes into the territory of Indonesia because the Netherlands has not been willing to let go of Indonesia as a colony even though Indonesia had proclaimed its independence on August 17, 1945. Misfortune befall Amir and his friends because when celebrating graduation with friends contemporaries, came to a sudden attack the Dutch soldiers. All the young officers who had just died and the only remaining elected Amir, Tomas, Marius and Dayan.
Although only four of us, Amir and his colleagues remain determined to continue the struggle against the Dutch colonialists. Finally the fight Amir and his friends to fruition, with the help of local residents, Amir and his friends managed to ambush a convoy of Dutch troops are carrying fuel and capture its leader Major Van Gaartner.
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