Date Released : 18 November 1997
Quality : DVDRip -fantastic
Starring : Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
Genre : Drama | Romance
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Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Titanic bercerita tentang tenggelamnya sebuah kapal pesiar yang megah karena bertabrakan dengan gunung es. Cerita berpusat pada Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) dan Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate Winslet). Jack merupakan pria miskin yang berkeliling dunia, melukis apa saja yang ingin ia lukis. Rose adalah gadis dari keluarga raja, yang hidupnya dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh calon suaminya, Cal Hockley (Billy Zane). Rose rela dijodohkan oleh ibunya (Frances Fisher), karena ayahnya meninggal hanya menyisakan hutang bagi mereka.
Perkenalan Rose dengan Jack membuat hidup Rose lebih berwarna, lebih nyaman, dan mendapatkan perhatian yang selama ini ia inginkan. Namun Jack hanya dianggap pengganggu oleh Cal dan ibu Rose.
Bagaimanakah akhir dari kisah cinta segitiga ini??? Selamatkah mereka dari tragedi Titanic???
Sinopsis (English)
Sinking of the Titanic tells the story of a magnificent cruise ship due to collision with the iceberg. The story centers on Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate Winslet). Jack is a poor man who traveled the world, painting what he wanted to paint. Rose is the girl from the royal family, whose life is controlled entirely by the prospective husband, Cal Hockley (Billy Zane). Rose willingly arranged marriage by her mother (Frances Fisher), because his father died, leaving only debts for them.
Introducing Rose by Jack Rose makes life more colorful, more comfortable, and get the attention that during the time he wanted. But Jack is only considered pests by Cal and Rose's mother.
How is the end of this triangle love story? Selamatkah them from the Titanic tragedy?
Introducing Rose by Jack Rose makes life more colorful, more comfortable, and get the attention that during the time he wanted. But Jack is only considered pests by Cal and Rose's mother.
How is the end of this triangle love story? Selamatkah them from the Titanic tragedy?
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