Date Released : 18 December 2009
Quality : BRRip 720p x 264
Runtime : 162 minute
Starring : Zoe Saldana, Sam Worthington, Sigourney W
Genre : Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Free Download Files : part1 | part2
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Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Ketika dikirim ke Pandora, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) terjebak di antara dua kubu yang sedang bertikai. Pandora merupakan planet asing yang dihuni berbagai makhluk ihidup. Jake yang semula berharap bisa memulai hidup baru malah terlibat masalah yang mengharuskannya memilih salah satu pihak.
Jake merupakan mantan marinir yang mengalami luka parah dalam sebuah pertempuran di bumi yang mengakibatkan kaki Jake mengalami kelumpuhan total. Ada satu harapan buat Jake yaitu jika ia mengikuti program Avatar dan dikirim ke planet Pandora maka ia akan kembali bisa berjalan seperti sedia kala meski konsekuensinya Jake akan menggunakan 'tubuh baru'.
Agar memungkinkan buat manusia untuk hidup di Pandora maka mereka dibuatkan satu tubuh buatan dan pikiran para manusia ini akan ditanamkan ke dalam tubuh yang disebut Avatar ini sehingga Avatar ini seolah-olah adalah tubuh mereka sendiri. Tugas Jake adalah menjadi pemandu bagi beberapa manusia yang menggunakan tubuh Avatar untuk mencari sumber mineral baru untuk kepentingan industri di bumi.
Di tengah perjalanan, Jake bertemu Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), bangsa Na'vi penghuni planet Pandora. Seiring berjalannya waktu Jake pun jatuh cinta pada Neytiri. Berawal dari cinta inilah Jake lantas menghadapi dilema antara melanjutkan misinya mengeksplorasi Pandora atau membela kaum Na'vi melindungi Pandora.
Sinopsis (English)
When sent to Pandora, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) caught between two camps that are in conflict. Pandora is the alien planet inhabited by various creatures ihidup. Jake, who originally hoped to start a new life instead involved a problem that required him to choose one of the parties.
He is a former Marine who suffered severe injuries in a battle on earth that resulted in Jake's leg suffered total paralysis. There is one hope for Jake that if he followed the course homepage and sent to the planet will return her so she could run as usual Jake though its consequences will be using 'new body'.
In order to allow for humans to live on her so they created an artificial body and the human mind to be implanted into the body known as an avatar so that Avatar is as if it were their own bodies. Task Jake is a guide to some humans who use the Avatar's body to search for new mineral resources for industrial purposes in the earth.
Along the way, Jake met Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), the nation Na'vi planet Pandora. Over time Jake fell in love with Neytiri. Starting from this love Jake then faces the dilemma between continuing its mission to explore her or defend the Na'vi protect Pandora.
He is a former Marine who suffered severe injuries in a battle on earth that resulted in Jake's leg suffered total paralysis. There is one hope for Jake that if he followed the course homepage and sent to the planet will return her so she could run as usual Jake though its consequences will be using 'new body'.
In order to allow for humans to live on her so they created an artificial body and the human mind to be implanted into the body known as an avatar so that Avatar is as if it were their own bodies. Task Jake is a guide to some humans who use the Avatar's body to search for new mineral resources for industrial purposes in the earth.
Along the way, Jake met Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), the nation Na'vi planet Pandora. Over time Jake fell in love with Neytiri. Starting from this love Jake then faces the dilemma between continuing its mission to explore her or defend the Na'vi protect Pandora.
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